Red, Sweet & Wild

To promote adoption from foster care, Lansdowne's Epiphany House is hosting a showing of the Heart Gallery of Philadelphia on April 24th at the Plymonth Meeting Mall. The Heart Gallery offers portraits of waiting children looking for forever families.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Promises, promises

I promised myself that I would blog every day. So that means int he real world I would blog at least every other day. But I have not been able to even do that. Q was off at his grandparents last weekend. I hoped we would repair the kitchen ceiling and get the plate for the wall socket. To Kevin's credit, we did fruitlessly look for the correct wall plate at the hardware store. And I also know it is sort of ridiculous to cover the hole in the kitchen ceiling until we repair the underlying plumbing problem. Financially there is no way we can afford a plumber until after the holidays. However knowing something intellectually still does not stop you from fretting and worrying what the social worker will think of my old house. When you faced with a state inspection your charming turn-of-the-century Stick-style house transforms into a leaky, creaky, mouse-infested hell hole with random wires sticking out of the wall. And do even get me started on the radiators.
The current state of fretting and craziness I feel is perfectly normal. I got this way while we were preparing for the homestudy for Q's adoption. It is more stressful this time around because we have less income and with Quincy less time to work on the house. The foster care system is also more exacting. I also remember that going through a private adoption I always had a feeling of certainty that things would turn out all right. Most private adoptions do, despite the horror stories on the WE channel. Foster care is much more iffy.
I have read that Pennsylvania is considered a parents' rights state meaning the state tends to bend over backwards to make sure biological parents have every opportunity to straighten their lives out. That makes me more nervous.
This process is also more stressful because of money. I am bringing in more from my freelancing but my biggest contribution is in the form of nagging Kevin to do things. I really hate being the nagging wife. I hate seeing the pressure Kevin is under to carry most of the financial burden. I am still going to nag, but I am just going to feel bad while I do it.

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