Red, Sweet & Wild

To promote adoption from foster care, Lansdowne's Epiphany House is hosting a showing of the Heart Gallery of Philadelphia on April 24th at the Plymonth Meeting Mall. The Heart Gallery offers portraits of waiting children looking for forever families.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

a gift fot me

I am exhausted tonight. I am still recovering from the frenzy of preparing for Christmas and entertaining relatives and I have not yet gathered enough strength for New Year's. People drain me. Not to mention the wrapping and the buying and all of the eating. But this was the first Christmas that Q really understood that was such a joy. He is still talking about Santa and eager to ride his trike around the living room.
Of course we have gotten squat done regarding the homestudy. As the winner of the world's worst cramps award, I spent the last two days with a heating pad and major painkillers. I did pick up the medical form. I am a little nervous about the next meeting with the social worker. What will she think of us together? I need to finish my autobiograhy and take a breath. Kevin's folks are coming over tomorrow. But I refuse to get stressed out. I need to finish my autobiography, light a fire under Kevin to finish his stuff, forget the rest. Besides, they are hear to visit with the grandbaby. I could have a messy house and wear a fish on my head and they would not notice.

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